Remember, with your products they're getting the learning materials up front. It's a product. Online courses are really popular right now, and many of them are sort of like a hybrid, because you get the training materials up front, but then you have 6-8 weeks of additional homework, etc. So, it's sort of like a hybrid. However, when you go with just coaching, they're going to get metered material. They're going to get one lesson every week, one lesson every 10 days, two lessons a month. Whatever the case is.
What that means is: clients sign up today and you ask them what's most important to them. Then you've got a whole week or 10 days to create your very first Cabo Verde Email List lesson to send out to those individuals. Now you may have some preliminary materials that you send them; maybe as you're creating your lesson you send them a daily email that kind of gets them going. But when they sign up for coaching program, they know they're not getting everything up front. So, then you create that first lesson.
Then, as they're doing the first lesson, they may have questions and you start answering the questions in the 2nd lesson, and adding more material in. If lessons come out every 2 weeks, well, you can literally have 2 weeks to create every single lesson. Now, what you could do, if you really wanted, is to create the first lesson right when you sell it. So they don't have to wait for that first lesson, that's okay too. You can create that first lesson. Why You Should Sell Before You Create I told you that there were 2 reasons to sell first, create second.