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82 million for emergency NGOs.

Writer's picture: Andreina BadillaAndreina Badilla

Canada is experiencing the worst wildfire season in its history, with nearly 10 million hectares burned, and now volunteer organizations assisting in the fight will receive an increase in funding of $82 million.

Minister of Emergency Preparedness, Bill Blair, made the announcement today, noting that an area nearly the size of Newfoundland has already been burned this year.

The groups receiving the funding include the Canadian Red Cross, the Salvation Army, and the Search and Rescue Volunteer Association of Canada.

While historically these organizations have provided more assistance overseas, the effects of climate change have led to a shift, as seen with recent fires and hurricanes reaching the Canadian Atlantic.

The funding will be distributed over the next three years, and Blair says it will start flowing immediately. This raises the total amount of money Canada has contributed to non-governmental organizations for disaster relief assistance to $166.9 million this year.

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