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The WHO declares aspartame as a possible carcinogen.

Writer's picture: Andreina BadillaAndreina Badilla

Aspartame, an artificial sweetener widely used in "light" beverages and other food products, is "possibly" carcinogenic to humans, according to the World Health Organization (WHO). However, the WHO did not consider it necessary to modify the daily intake level considered safe.

"We are not advising companies to remove their products, nor are we advising consumers to stop consuming them altogether," clarified Francesco Branca, Director of the Department of Nutrition, Health, and Development at the WHO, during the presentation of two assessments on this sweetener.

The International Agency for Research on Cancer (IARC) of the WHO evaluated the level of hazard of aspartame for the first time. The experts, who met from June 6th to 13th, concluded that the sweetener "may be carcinogenic to humans," categorizing it under Group 2B in the IARC classification.

Aspartame is one of the most popular sweeteners worldwide and is used in products ranging from Coca-Cola's diet sodas to Mars' Extra chewing gum.

Earlier this year, the WHO stated that there was no evidence to suggest that sweeteners aid in weight control, a point that the industry has challenged.

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