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Thousands attend Benedict XVI's funeral for second day

Writer's picture: Arturo BolívarArturo Bolívar

For the second day in a row, lines of people wanting to honor Pope Emeritus Benedict XVI for his service to the Catholic Church snaked around St. Peter's Square on Tuesday before accessing the funeral chapel.

Benedict XVI died Saturday at the age of 95, 10 years after his surprise resignation from office, in increasingly delicate health. His body rests in St. Peter's Basilica, where thousands of faithful and onlookers gathered to mourn him.

Some 65,000 people came to pay their respects on Monday, nearly double the number expected by Italian security forces. The wake will conclude on Wednesday.

Pope Francis will preside Thursday over the funeral to be held in St. Peter's Square for his predecessor, the first pontiff to leave office in 600 years and whose retirement lasted two years longer than his papacy, which began in 2005.

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