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UN calls on all countries to consider sending military forces to Haiti

Writer's picture: Arturo BolívarArturo Bolívar

The UN on Wednesday called on "any country with the capacity to do so" to urgently consider participating in an international military force to help Haiti's authorities restore security and alleviate the humanitarian crisis.

"This is absolutely essential for Haiti to return to institutional stability and get back on the path to peace and sustainable development," U.N. Deputy Secretary-General Amina Mohammed told the Security Council.

Last October, the Haitian government officially asked the international community to send a military operation to help it regain control of Port-au-Prince from armed gangs that dominate major areas in and around the capital.

In response, UN Secretary General António Guterres proposed the establishment of a "rapid action force" composed of military personnel from one or more countries, but the project has so far failed to crystallize.

According to diplomatic sources, although several countries have expressed their willingness to participate, none has so far been found willing to lead it.

The United States and Canada have pushed for talks on this issue, but so far they have not shown any intention of leading the operation.

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